“Who is Open X?”
When asked this question, the three present Open X band mates burst out laughing and said, “no comment, less is more — it’s not about us…it’s about the music!”
Nothing could be more true: Tom Saad, Gary Hallett, Ryan W. Miller and Joe Requa (West Coast pianist who you’ll hear featured in a selection of tracks) have been friends for over 20 years, reuniting after musical success with another endeavor in the early 2000s. As Open X, they enjoy their musical talents to the fullest (because it’s fun and they love it!) and want to give their fans a release into a happy state of mind, and take a moment to indulge in some feel good music that can’t help but to uplift you. Sing along. Dance. Forget the bad and embrace the good. That’s what Open X is about. It’s about a totally new sound, an evolution from the past and taking in the future. It sounds completely unique, but gives you that feeling of excitement, nostalgia and joy of the first time you heard your favorite band. Think: instant classic. Open X is POWER POP ROCK.